K-POPスター・ミンギュが新作デニムを着こなし! Calvin Klein2025年春のデニムキャンペーン | RBB TODAY

K-POPスター・ミンギュが新作デニムを着こなし! Calvin Klein2025年春のデニムキャンペーン

エンタメ その他
Campaign Credits: Directed and photographed by Leslie Zhang Editorial credits: Calvin Klein
  • Campaign Credits: Directed and photographed by Leslie Zhang Editorial credits: Calvin Klein
  • Campaign Credits: Directed and photographed by Leslie Zhang Editorial credits: Calvin Klein
  • Campaign Credits: Directed and photographed by Leslie Zhang Editorial credits: Calvin Klein
  • Campaign Credits: Directed and photographed by Leslie Zhang Editorial credits: Calvin Klein
  • Campaign Credits: Directed and photographed by Leslie Zhang Editorial credits: Calvin Klein
  • Campaign Credits: Directed and photographed by Leslie Zhang Editorial credits: Calvin Klein
  • Campaign Credits: Directed and photographed by Leslie Zhang Editorial credits: Calvin Klein
  • Campaign Credits: Directed and photographed by Leslie Zhang Editorial credits: Calvin Klein

 Calvin Kleinは、K-POPスターのMINGYU/ミンギュを起用した2025年春のデニムキャンペーンを発表した。Leslie Zhang/レスリー・チャンが監督と撮影を担当し、ミンギュのエフォートレスなスタイルが際立つ内容となっている。

 同キャンペーンでは、ミンギュがCalvin KleinのアイコニックなロゴTシャツや新作デニムジャケットを組み合わせ、ブランドのカジュアルで若々しい美学を表現している。90sストレートジーンズは、ストレートレッグフィットとハイライズウエストのデザインで、多彩なスタイリングが可能だ。

Campaign Credits: Directed and photographed by Leslie Zhang Editorial credits: Calvin Klein
Campaign Credits: Directed and photographed by Leslie Zhang Editorial credits: Calvin Klein
Campaign Credits: Directed and photographed by Leslie Zhang Editorial credits: Calvin Klein
Campaign Credits: Directed and photographed by Leslie Zhang Editorial credits: Calvin Klein
Campaign Credits: Directed and photographed by Leslie Zhang Editorial credits: Calvin Klein





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